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Body Contouring After Losing Weight

First step: choosing a reliable surgeon

Plastic surgery, whether for cosmetic or reconstructive purposes, requires many choices. The first and most important of them is choosing a reliable surgeon. One of the best indicators of a doctor’s education is having a board encyclopedia. Ask your surgeon about having an encyclopedia of the board of plastic surgery, because this encyclopedia is the only document that shows a person’s competence to perform plastic surgery on the face and all areas of the body.

A plastic surgery specialist must meet the following standards to obtain a board certificate:

  • Be a graduate of an approved medical school.
  • After graduating from medical school, at least four years of general surgery training and then three years of plastic surgery subspecialty training.
  •  He has passed all relevant written and oral exams.

The official members of the Iranian plastic and cosmetic surgeon’s association should:

  • Must be a plastic surgery graduate from one of the universities approved by the Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education.
  • Have passed annual plastic surgery retraining courses.
  • Perform surgeries in authorized and approved medical centers.
  • Observe the scientific and legal principles and standards and follow the ethical charter of the association.

Beauty for life

Improve your appearance with body contouring surgery.

Following weight loss, the skin and tissues lose their elasticity and cannot adapt to the reduced weight. As a result, the skin that used to be stretched is now hanging. in this case:

  •  The arms are drooping and have a loose appearance.
  • The breasts are flat and hanging and the nipple falls down.
  • Abdominal space may extend around and behind, hanging down like an apron.
  • Buttocks, groin, and thighs fall and the skin hangs.

Body contouring surgery following extreme weight loss improves the shape and consistency of the underlying tissue that supports the skin and fat, and removes excess and hanging fat tissue. As a result, the body looks more natural and somewhat smoother. This action will be the final and essential phase of your weight loss period.

Is this procedure suitable for me?

Before deciding to do body shaping, your weight should be at a stable level. If you lose weight after that, you will find loose and sagging skin again. If you have a rapid weight gain after the operation, it will increase the stress and pressure on your weak, thin, and operated skin, which results in stretch marks and the widening of the scar.

If you have had weight loss surgery, your plastic surgeon’s close collaboration with your doctor can be helpful in choosing the best time for surgery.

Suitable candidates for body contouring surgery

  •  Adults of any age with proven weight loss.
  •  Healthy people who have good medical and health conditions and are not suffering from any kind of disease that would interfere with their healing and increase the risks of surgery.
  •  Do not smoke.
  •  People with a positive outlook and realistic goals of what they can achieve with surgery.
  • People who are committed to a healthy lifestyle that includes proper nutrition and exercise.

What should you expect during counseling?

The degree of success and safety of your operation is highly dependent on your honesty and integrity during counseling. You will be asked many questions about your health, your desires, and your lifestyle.

Be prepared to answer the following:

  1. Why do you want to undergo surgery and what are your expectations and expectations from the result of the operation?
  2. Available options for surgery.
  3. Health status, Medication sensitivity, and medications treatments.
  4. Medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs you are currently using.
  5. History of previous surgeries.

Your surgeon may:

Check your current and previous health status and risk factors.

Take a photo of yourself for the medical record.

examine your body and make accurate and detailed measurements.

Discuss other treatment options and suggest a course of treatment.

Discuss the outcome of the procedure and any possible risks and complications.

Preparing for Surgery

Before surgery, you may be asked to:

Check your medical condition and do clinical tests.

Take certain medications or adjust your medications.

Do not smoke to improve the outcome of surgery.

Avoid aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements that increase bleeding.

Specific instructions you will receive cover the following:

What to do on the day of surgery?

Use of anesthesia in your surgery.

Post-operative care and necessary follow-ups.

Your plastic surgeon will talk to you about the surgery. This procedure can be performed in an approved and equipped office, ambulatory surgery center, or hospital.

You need help.

If your operation is done on an outpatient basis, you need someone to take you back and forth and stay with you for at least one night.

Surgical procedures

What happens during body contouring surgery?

The actions required to get you to your predetermined goals have a timeline. The surgeries that may be suggested to you by the plastic surgeon are:

Lift the lower part of the body: to correct the hanging part of the abdomen, hips, groin, and outer thighs

Breast lift: to correct flat and hanging breasts

Arm lift: to correct sagging of the upper arm

Thigh lift: to correct sagging of the inner, outer, and middle parts of the thigh.

First stage – anesthesia

Medicines are used during surgery to make you feel comfortable. Methods of choice include intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. Your doctor will suggest the most suitable method.

The second stage – surgical incision

Body contouring surgery is usually performed in several stages, and determining a surgical plan depends on your specific circumstances and goals, as well as the clinical judgment of your surgeon. Just as it takes 1 to 2 years to lose your extra weight, it may take the same amount of time to shape your body after surgery.

body lift

A complete lower body lift can treat loose and hanging hips, stomach, waist, sides, and outer thighs in one step or in several steps. Surgical incision methods vary, which may be a circumferential incision around the body and remove a belt of excess skin and fat.

Breast lift

The incision method for saggy breasts in women is determined by the amount of excess skin that needs to be removed. The incision may include one or more circular incisions around the areola of the breast and in a line that extends from the areola to the breast fold and transversely along the breast fold. In order to improve the shape and size of the breast, it may be recommended to use a breast implant.

Arm lift

The hanging skin on the arm is removed with an incision from under the arm to the inside or back of the arm. Additional incisions may be made anywhere to remove loose and hanging skin. A smoother and firmer appearance is noticeable immediately after the procedure, although the initial result will fade due to swelling and bruising. In addition, the quality of the skin, both in terms of appearance and structure, becomes much better.

Thigh lift

Shaping of the thighs is done with an incision that is made from the groin to the bottom of the knee and from the inner side of the thigh. In order to improve the outer part of the thigh, the incision is extended from the groin to the patient’s pelvis. Through this incision, your doctor tightens the tissues for a smoother appearance and firmer consistency.

Important facts regarding the safety and risks of the procedure

The decision regarding body contouring surgery is very clear and you should consider whether the benefits are accessible to your goals or whether the risks and side effects are acceptable. Your plastic surgeon or his colleagues will fully inform you of the risks associated with the procedure. You will be asked to sign a consent form stating that you are fully informed about the surgery, the alternative procedures, and the risks and complications of the procedure.

Possible risks of body contouring surgery following severe weight loss include:

  1. Unsightly scar.
  2. Bleeding (hematoma).
  3. infection
  4. Fluid accumulation.
  5. Non-healing of the wound.
  6. Skin loss.
  7. Clot.
  8. Numbness or other sensory disturbances in the skin.
  9. Dangers of anesthesia.
  10. Long-term skin discoloration or swelling.
  11. Accumulated fat tissue in the skin may die (fat necrosis).
  12. opening of the wound
  13. Asymmetry
  14. Skin loosening again.
  15. Pain that may be permanent.
  16. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and cardiopulmonary complications.
  17. Permanent swelling in the legs.
  18. The possibility of needing to re-operate.

Be sure to ask

It is very important to ask your surgeon questions. It is normal to have anxiety, which can be due to the excitement you have about your future new appearance or due to the brief stress before the procedure. Don’t be shy about discussing this with your doctor.

Recovery period

After surgery, the incision site is covered with a dressing or bandage. A thin tube may be temporarily inserted under the skin to drain excess blood or fluid that collects in the wound.

You will be given the following instructions:

  • How to take care of a surgical wound, how to take oral or topical medications to speed up the healing
  • When should you refer for a follow-up?
  • Be sure to ask your surgeon about the recovery period and your expectations.
  • Where will I be taken after surgery?
  • What medicine do they give or prescribe after surgery?
  • Do I have dressings and bandages after surgery, when should I remove them?
  • Are the stitches removable and when?
  • When can I start normal daily activities and exercise?
  • When should I visit for a follow-up after the operation?

What time do you come back home?

If you have shortness of breath, chest pain, or an abnormal heartbeat, seek medical attention immediately. If any of these occur, hospitalization and additional treatment may be required.

The science of medicine and surgery is not an exact and unequivocal science. Although good results are expected, there is no guarantee and in some cases, achieving a favorable result with one surgery is not possible and another surgery is needed.

Be careful

Following the instructions given by your doctor is the key to the success of your surgery. Your doctor will give you the necessary instructions to take care of yourself.

The results will be long lasting

The results of body contouring surgery following severe weight loss are noticeable almost immediately. However, it may take one to two years or even more time for the final result and full formation. Scars will remain, but the results will be long-lasting as long as you maintain a stable weight and exercise. As you age, it’s normal to lose some of your body stiffness. However, most of the initial results are almost permanent.

How much does body shaping surgery cost after weight loss?

The cost of treatment in elective surgery is always a significant point. The cost of body shaping procedures after weight loss is very variable.

The cost of a surgeon can vary based on his experience, procedure, and geographic location of the doctor. Many plastic surgeons offer financial plans for their patients, so be sure to ask your doctor about them.

The cost may include the following:


The cost of the surgeon’s fee

Hospital or surgery center fee

Cost of anesthesia

Cost of prescription drugs

Cost of medical tests

Your satisfaction is worth more than the cost of the operation.

When you are choosing a plastic surgeon, remember that his experience, feeling comfortable with him, and trusting him is just as important as the final cost of the surgery.

Most medical insurance does not cover cosmetic surgery and its complications.

Questions I ask my plastic surgeon

  • Where and how do you perform my procedure?
  • Which surgical method do you recommend for me?
  • What kind of surgical incision, how much, in what shape, and in what areas do you recommend for me?
  • How long will my recovery take and what help will I need during it?
  • What are the possible risks and complications of my operation?
  • How to treat complications?
  • What options do I have if I am unhappy with my action?
  • What are the possible results of my operation?
  • Or do you have a plastic surgery board encyclopedia?
  • Are you a member of the Iranian Plastic Surgeons Association?
  • Have you completed the plastic surgery subspecialty course?
  • How many years of plastic surgery training have you completed?
  • In which hospital are you allowed to perform this procedure?
  • If the operation is performed in a surgery center or office, does this center have a legal license to operate?
  • How many times have you done this?
  • Am I a good candidate for this procedure?
  • What should I do to get the best results?

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