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Breast Lift Surgery Frequently Asked Questions

Eighteen Frequently Asked Questions about Breast Lift Surgery in Iran

Breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure to raise and reshape sagging breasts. Breast lift surgery in Iran may also reduce the size of the areola, the darker skin surrounding the nipple. If you want to undergo breast lift surgery, there may be lots of questions in your mind. We have collected and categorized many pre-surgery questions for you:

Pain, bruising, swelling, sensation, and scars after breast lift surgery

1- Is a breast lift a painful cosmetic procedure?

Breast lift surgery, like any other cosmetic procedure in Iran, has minor pain. However, it can be assured that the pain level after the surgery is not very significant. Anyway, breast lift surgery’s pain level is directly related to the patient’s pain tolerance threshold, which is different in each person.

2- Breast lift and bruising

After surgery, bruising and swelling are the body’s natural responses to the changes that have taken place, which is normal. Most bruising and swelling caused by a breast lift will subside down after two weeks. But you have to know that the level of pain, swelling, and bruising varies from person to person.

3- Does the breast sensation disappear after breast lift surgery?

While there is a risk of loss of breast sensation in a boob job in Iran, the more experienced a plastic surgeon is and the better techniques he/she uses, the less likely it is that the nerves in the breast area will be severely damaged during breast lift surgery. As the nerves return to normal, these unusual sensations will gradually cease, usually over four to six weeks. It’s rare for loss of sense to be permanent.

Breast lift surgery aftercare and recovery: Do’s and don’ts

4- Should I have a special diet after breast lift surgery?

After the surgery, it is recommended to

  • Drink plenty of fluids to get rid of the anesthetic effect faster.
  • Consuming pineapple and celery juice or fruit helps a lot in wound repair and makes the wounds heal more quickly.
  • It is better to reduce salt intake for a while after the surgery so that the swelling does not intensify.

5- Is it necessary to wear a garment/medical bra after breast lift surgery?

Yes! Be sure to use a particular medical bra after the operation to get the best results. These bras restrict the breast’s movement, preventing future damage, pain, breast tissue damage, and other risks. Your doctor may recommend that you wear a medical bra immediately after surgery. Still, it is often an excellent time to use a medical bra after removing the drains and when the breasts no longer need to be bandaged.

6- Can I exercise after breast lift surgery?

It is better to wait a while before starting heavy exercise, but you can start walking slowly three weeks after surgery. You can begin light aerobic exercise one month later, and you can do professional training after three months.

7- Do exercise and physical activity cause sagging breasts?

It is better to wear standard and firm bras when exercising. By doing so, physical activity does not cause the breasts to drop down. Otherwise, the breasts may eventually sag with heavy activity.

8- How long does the recovery period after breast lift surgery take?

The recovery period for mastopexy is usually two weeks, after which the patient can return to her regular life. However, breast care is recommended for up to two months after breast lift surgery.

9- How is blood drainage done after breast lift surgery?

After breast lift surgery, tubes called drains are inserted into the surgical site to drain the blood and other body fluids from the surgical site. Draining blood speeds up recovery. Drain tubes are usually removed at the doctor’s office 3 to 5 days after surgery, and re-dressing is performed. Pain and swelling typically decrease by draining the blood.

Breast lift results

10- When is the result of breast lift visible?

The initial result of a breast lift reveals immediately after surgery. But due to swelling and inflammation of the breast, you have to wait about 4 to 6 months to see the final result.

11- Is it possible for the breast to sag again after a breast lift?

If the skin does not have proper collagen production, the breasts may slightly sag after a while, but it certainly does not return to the previous state. If the patient is pregnant, breastfeeding, or has weight fluctuating after surgery, her breasts may sag again. Otherwise, the surgery result is almost permanent.

12- Does breast lift change the size of the breast?

No. In breast lift surgery, the breasts remain to have the same size, but they are only lifted by removing the extra skin to look more beautiful. If the patient wants to reduce her breasts’ size, she should seek to undergo breast reduction surgery or reduction mammoplasty. If the patient wants to increase her sagging breasts’ size, she can have breast augmentation or breast implant surgery (augmentation mammoplasty) simultaneously with the lift.

13- Can areola be reduced in breast lift surgery?

Yes. An experienced breast surgeon can reduce the diameter of the areola during breast lift surgery to improve the breast’s appearance. In breast lift surgery, the breast aura is lifted upwards by the surgeon to make the breasts look upward and more beautiful.

14- Is it possible to make the nipple smaller during breast lift surgery?

Sometimes women complain about the large size of their nipples. This complication, which often occurs due to changes during pregnancy and breastfeeding, causes problems such as pain due to abrasion of the nipple and bad appearance of the nipple in clothing. The patient should ask the doctor to make the nipple smaller during the breast lift operation. The doctor will decide whether to do it or not, depending on the condition of the breast.

Other questions about breast lift surgery

15- Does breast lift surgery have any side effects?

Yes. Like any other surgery, a breast lift may have side effects. Possible complications of a breast lift include bleedinginfectionnecrosis of breast tissue, and asymmetry of the breast.

16- Is there an age limit for a breast lift?

To have breast lift surgery, a woman must have passed the puberty period. In this case, a breast lift can be performed while ensuring that the body does not change shape during the growth period. The minimum age limit for a breast lift is 18 years. On the other hand, breast lift surgery can be performed up to the age of 50 years. However, surgery at this age requires a review of various health parameters before surgery.

17- Does breast lift surgery negatively affect breastfeeding?

Breast lifts do not pose a severe problem to the breastfeeding process. However, if the patient gives birth again after a breast lift, the breast lift results may return to normal during pregnancy and breastfeeding as the breasts are stretched. Breastfeeding should also be considered. Although breastfeeding is usually possible after a breast lift since the nipples do not separate from the breast tissue, some women may have difficulty producing enough milk.

18- How to find the right breast plastic surgeon?

Research on doctors’ portfolios and proficiency is the most crucial point in choosing a breast surgeon. Therefore, after making sure that the portfolio is real and done by doctors, you can find useful information about breast lift work’s delicacy by the plastic surgeon you want.

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