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Chin Implant

First step: choosing a reliable surgeon

Plastic surgery, whether for cosmetic or reconstructive purposes, requires many choices. The first and most important of them is choosing a reliable surgeon. One of the best indicators of a doctor’s education is having a board encyclopedia. Ask your surgeon about having an encyclopedia of the board of plastic surgery, because this encyclopedia is the only document that shows a person’s competence to perform plastic surgery on the face and all areas of the body.

A plastic surgery specialist must meet the following standards to obtain a board certificate:

Be a graduate of an approved medical school.

After graduating from medical school, at least four years of general surgery training and then three years of plastic surgery subspecialty training.

He has passed all relevant written and oral exams.

The official members of the Iranian Plastic and cosmetic surgeons association should:

Must be a plastic surgery graduate from one of the universities approved by the Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education.

Have passed annual plastic surgery refresher courses.

Perform surgeries in authorized and approved medical centers.

Observe the scientific and legal principles and standards and follow the ethical charter of the association.

A beautiful life

The chin plays a very important role in the beauty and symmetry of the face. The chin and nose, especially through their compatibility with the shape of the face, determine the balance of the face. Cosmetic surgeons have been aware of this issue for years, and for this reason, chin and nose cosmetic procedures (rhinoplasty and genioplasty) are very common. The shape of the chin and angulation of the face can determine the character and personality that is taken from the person’s appearance. In some cases, reducing the chin to fit the rest of the face or having a long chin is related to having a strong personality. Chin cosmetic surgery (genioplasty or mentoplasty) is to change the shape of the chin by reducing, changing, or increasing its volume. People of different ages and for various reasons are looking for jaw and chin cosmetic surgery. You may feel that you have too small or too large a chin and jaw and wish to undergo surgery to improve its appearance. Also, the chin or jaw may be small and this makes the nose look big, in this case, the person is looking for rhinoplasty surgery to reduce the size of his nose; While he doesn’t know that a small chin makes a nose look bigger. In some cases, chin or jaw cosmetic surgery at the same time as rhinoplasty may help the overall balance of your face, in cases of chin accentuation, you can use chin gel injection to make the chin more voluminous. Using the method of gel and fat injection, even with a little gel injection in the chin, it is possible to make dramatic changes in a person’s appearance. Injecting gel into the chin can also help improve the jawline and in many cases create a more appropriate appearance for the neck. As a result, for people who are looking to make some changes in the appearance of their chin, chin angulation with injections can bring excellent results to the patient.

You can read more about face plastic surgery.

Chin implant candidate

People who have a prominent nose.

Small chins

People with fleshy necks

Chins that are square in shape

Note that chin implant surgery is often performed along with rhinoplasty surgery, and sometimes it is necessary for a person to use cheek and lip implants for the overall balance of the face.

A candidate for chin augmentation surgery should not:

Be in poor health

Have false expectations about the outcome of surgery

Have heart problems or high blood pressure

If you have any medical history, inform your doctor.

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Procedures before chin surgery:

Not using anti-inflammatory steroid medicines or aspirin two weeks before the operation

Smoking is prohibited for 2 weeks before the operation.

If the incision is made under the chin, antibacterial facial cleanser should be used. If the incision is made inside the mouth, mouthwash should be used three times a day for two days before the operation.

Refrain from eating and drinking for 8 hours before surgery

Mentoplasty (chin reduction)

If you have a large chin, you can choose one of the following two methods to reduce its size:

A simple chin shave can remove excess chin corners and reduce the overall size of the chin. This procedure can be done through a small incision in the mouth or under the chin.

If your chin is too large, shaving may cause the skin that covers the bone to loosen and droop (ptosis). In this case, it may be necessary to cut a little from the entire chin bone and move it backwards. Usually, the chin bone is fixed with special screws, and these screws remain in the chin until healing. This allows the skin to remain attached to the surface bone of the chin and reduces the possibility that it will become loose after the operation.

Enlarging the small chin

If you have a small chin, there are many treatment options to improve it and create a balanced face. If the height and width of your chin and jaw are normal and appropriate, a chin prosthesis may be enough to improve its appearance. In general, prostheses (implant) are suitable for increasing small volumes; If a significant volume increase or bone repositioning process is required, a Genioplasty should be performed to change the width and height of the chin.

Enlarging the chin with prosthetic surgery

Jaw and chin prosthesis has its own limitations, some of which are:

The prosthesis can only give a volume increase to the chin, without changing the vertical or horizontal height of the chin.

Prosthesis is usually used to enhance the volume of smaller chins.

The prosthesis is at risk of becoming infected, and if this happens, the prosthesis must be removed. Then either a new prosthesis that does not have an infection should be inserted or a Genioplasty procedure should be performed.

Sometimes the prosthesis can irritate the jawbone and thus cause damage to the roots of the teeth.

Sometimes the prosthesis may move around after placement, unless it is fixed in place with screws.

Sometimes the edges of the prosthesis are tangible and clear.

Genioplasty (Enlargement of the small chin)

Genioplasty is a procedure that is often more invasive than prosthetics; This means that in the gynoplasty method, its bone is cut to change the shape of the chin. However, over time the bone heals and settles into its new position, and the new chin becomes a natural part of the skeletal framework. During the healing process, the bone fragments are connected together with titanium screws, which are often left in place. If the screws get contaminated, they must be removed; This is very simple and does not affect the appearance of the chin. Another advantage of gynoplasty over chin prosthesis is that the chin bone is moved forward. The muscles that protect the floor of the mouth and the upper part of the neck are also brought forward because they are attached to the back of the chin; Therefore, in this operation, the shape of the neck line is also improved. The ability to change in gynoplasty is much more than implant. By moving the chin forward or backward, you can change the vertical or horizontal height of the chin; To make it smaller, a small part of the bone can be removed, and to make it bigger, you can use bone grafting. Bone grafting can be performed preferably with the patient’s own bone or with an alternative bone.

Recovery process after surgery

In the first few days, there will be some swelling and bruising, and it will take 7 to 14 days for the person to return to normal life activities.

The final shape of the chin may not be known until several months after the operation and until the swelling of the chin subsides.

If the intraoral incision method is used, it is recommended to choose a soft diet for a few days after the operation so that the mouth incision  heals faster.

Antibiotics and mouthwashes are usually prescribed; Oral hygiene is very important during the recovery period.

After 6 to 7 days of the operation, the stitches should be removed.

Possible complications of chin surgery

All operations have complications, which include the risk of bleeding, infection, and damage to nearby structures. Complications of chin surgery include:

Stretching and bruising of the sensory nerves of the lower lip, which causes the lip to become numb or feel burning.

The skin covering the tip of the chin may become numb after the operation.

Teeth can also be damaged.

Usually, the anesthesia caused by cosmetic chin surgery is temporary, although it may take weeks or months to recover, and in very rare cases, the anesthesia may be permanent. X-rays can assess the position and length of teeth, as well as identify previous dental problems.


Chin prosthesis surgery is simple in appearance and in fact, many people have been successfully treated by doing this surgery. However, chin analysis is much more complicated than simply looking at the appearance and shape of the chin. In some cases, chin prosthesis implantation may fail, in the sense that complications such as infection, or displacement of the prosthesis occur after the surgery, or the patient is not satisfied with the results of his surgery. Deformity (chin or face) is also one of the side effects of chin prosthesis that occurs if the surgery is unsuccessful. This condition may occur as a result of capsule formation in the chin, muscle contraction, post-operative adhesion (formation of fibrous tissue in the surgical scar) or abnormal sagging of the mentalis muscles as a complication of chin implant. If the chin prosthesis surgery fails, the prosthesis must be removed from the chin. In these cases, the capsule or tissues and foreign materials of the surgical wound or infection should also be removed. Prosthetic replacement is not recommended in these complications of chin prosthesis, and instead the patient is re-evaluated to perform chin cosmetic surgery using the jawbone reconstruction method. Chin prosthesis surgery can be performed at the same time as rhinoplasty surgery.


The cost of chin implant varies depending on the type of prosthesis and the complexity of the surgery. The price of a chin prosthesis can include the doctor’s fee, the equipment needed during the operation and the cost of the chin prosthesis. Also, the experience of the doctor and the location of the surgery also affect its price.

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