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Home Blog Rhinoplasty Recovery Diet: All You Need to Know!

Rhinoplasty Recovery Diet: All You Need to Know!

After deciding to do rhinoplasty, the surgeon will recommend eating as many healthy foods as possible to reduce the risk of complications from the surgery and accelerate the pace of recovery. Your rhinoplasty diet is as important as the surgery.

After deciding to do rhinoplasty, the surgeon will recommend eating as many healthy foods as possible to reduce the risk of complications from the surgery and accelerate the pace of recovery. Your rhinoplasty diet is as important as the surgery.

However, making significant dietary changes after rhinoplasty is not essential; being cautious and avoiding certain foods or ensuring the intake of enough nutrients in your diet can help the recovery process. This post is for you if you want to learn more about the pre-rhinoplasty diet and the post-rhinoplasty diet.


Rhinoplasty diet purpose

The purpose of a suitable diet after surgery is to accelerate recovery by helping the immune system and reducing pain, inflammation, and swelling after rhinoplasty.

A proper diet is a crucial factor for fast healing after a nose job; some foods must be taken, and some must be avoided before and after surgery. This article is written to get more acquainted with the proper diet before and after rhinoplasty.

Diet before rhinoplasty

It’s better to make some changes in your nose job diet 2 to 4 weeks before rhinoplasty:

Minerals and Vitamins

Starting a balanced multivitamin intake with the doctor’s supervision three weeks before surgery can help faster healing. You should take the right amount of vitamins before surgery, but not too much of a specific vitamin, except vitamin C. Studies had shown that much vitamin C intake could be useful to heal wounds faster after cosmetic surgery.

However, be careful about taking vitamin E; high levels of vitamin E (more than 400 mg per day) can increase bruising and bleeding during and after surgery.


Protein is the second-largest building block of the body and is vital for tissues to be built and repaired. Our organs, hormones, red blood cells, immune system, and enzymes all consist of proteins. Consuming enough protein is necessary to meet daily needs and prepare the body for rhinoplasty and help the tissues be repaired.

Green tea

Green tea is known as a source of anti-oxidant. However, this popular drink can negatively affect anesthesia, blood pressure, and heartbeat. Stop drinking green tea by at least ten days before rhinoplasty and consult your surgeon about the convenient time to reuse it after the surgery.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are usually the central part of a healthy, balanced rhinoplasty diet. However, they are not good during the time of preparing for the surgery. Patients are asked not to use high-fiber foods 24 hours before surgery.

Digestion of Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains takes longer than other foods, and it’s important to have a low amount of food in the stomach before surgery.


What to eat right after the nose surgery?

You may feel a bit of hunger right after the anesthetic wore off. Soft meals that are lukewarm and relatively tasteless are appropriate for the after-surgery period. Yogurt, bulgur, or soups that do not need to be heated are the best food choices for this period.

Depending on the level of nausea (if eating makes you vomit), it’s better to drink liquids right after surgery. Keep on using soft meals until several days after the surgery.


Protein provides the amino acids needed to heal wounds and repair tissues. The best protein sources are lean meat, chicken, egg, fish, dairy products, bean, lentil, nuts, and soy products.


Fat provides energy to the body and improves the immune system responses. Eat healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado, and nuts to reinforce your immune system for your nose surgery.


Although you should eat soft meals for a few days after rhinoplasty, you need to make sure you have enough fiber in your diet during this period.

Constipation is relatively common after nose surgery like other cosmetic surgeries due to drug combinations, lack of mobility, and a limited diet. Adding some fiber to your nose surgery diet can facilitate your stomach movements as you continue your medications and limit your physical activity. Soft fruits such as peach and different types of berries along with oatmeal, well-cooked vegetables such as carrot and bread and whole grains are rich sources of fiber.

Anti-inflammation foods

Many nose surgeons recommend the inclusion of anti-inflammation foods in the recovery period diet. These foods contain substances that can prevent nose swelling and hyper-bruising. Eating plenty of leafy vegetables, apple, citrus fruits, and pineapple is pretty useful to achieve this purpose. Caper bush and red onion also have anti-inflammation characteristics.


The recovery period after a nose job in Iran is not the right time to decrease water consumption, on the contrary, it is advised to drink at least eight water glasses in the recovery period, just like the pre-surgery period.

In the case of taking some medicines, you may need to increase your water intake, and your surgeon will give you the necessary prescriptions.


Is it essential to eat pineapple before and after rhinoplasty?

Yes! Eating pineapple a few days before surgery and the days after it, is a surprising prescription that cosmetic surgeons often advise.

Pineapple contains bromelain, a powerful enzyme with unique and beneficial characteristics, accelerating healing by reducing inflammation. It also minimizes the incidence of bruising, which is especially helpful during the recovery period after rhinoplasty.

Bromelain also facilitates digestion by relieving nausea and even prevents nasal congestion. Consult your surgeon before you start consuming pineapple. Eating this good fruit is safe and sound in all situations, yet it’s better to get the surgeon’s confirmation. The nose surgeon also prescribes the right amount to get the best result. Celery juice reduces inflammation and bruising significantly after nose surgery, as well.


Five things you should know about your diet after a nose job

To accelerate healing after rhinoplasty and reduce bruising and swelling, and get the best results from your rhinoplasty, follow these principles right after the surgery:

1-     Eat soft meals after nose surgery.

The patients usually feel hungry after rhinoplasty. Soft meals that don’t need to be chewed, and not put pressure on the nose are the best types. Soup and liquid consumption are always prescribed.

Yogurt and lukewarm barley soup are suitable meals after rhinoplasty. If you have nausea after surgery, you may not feel like eating and prefer to drink clear liquids such as water and juices. Continue the diet mostly consisting of soft foods and liquids for a few days until you feel better.

2-     Avoid chewing foods to avoid pressure on your nose

Put your hand on your nose while chewing, before rhinoplasty, you see your hand move while chewing. This movement is OK in a normal situation, but after the surgery, the goal is to reduce surgical complications. This doesn’t mean that your after-rhinoplasty diet is going to be limited to liquids or soft foods, but it means you’d better not put pressure on your nose, which is the reason why we reduce the consumption of chewing foods.

3-     Don’t consume alcohol and caffeine after rhinoplasty.

Consumption of alcoholic and caffeinated beverages is prohibited for several days after rhinoplasty. Alcohol is a blood thinner, increasing the risk of bleeding, blood clots, accumulation of blood under the skin, and swelling after rhinoplasty. Caffeine raises blood pressure and causes similar issues for patients.

4-     Salt Consumption after cosmetic surgeries

High amounts of salt and sodium in foods lead to water preservation, resulting in more nasal inflammation. But this is not the patients’ primary concern. Unlike the before-surgery period, the best rhinoplasty diet after the surgery is to consume fresh fruits and vegetables and fresh, natural juices. It will minimize the complications of rhinoplasty, leading to a short recuperation period.

Each person needs a different diet instruction. Your doctor helps you with your diet and prescribes what you should and not do after rhinoplasty. When you are about to have a rhinoplasty, your surgeon may advise you to eat as many healthy foods as possible, significantly reducing the risks and complications after the surgery, and helping your body heal faster.

5-     Care about the temperature of the foods you consume after rhinoplasty

It would help if you watched the temperature of the foods you consume after rhinoplasty. Very hot and freezing foods can make your healing process slower. To prevent the mouth from being burned during recovery, it is advised to reduce consuming hot soups and other hot foods for a few weeks. Although cold foods aren’t going to burn you, they can lead to headaches and cause your mouth and teeth to be bitten, making your condition worse. You should eat foods with the most nutritional value, such as fruits, cooked vegetables, and protein and fiber sources, after rhinoplasty. Healthy nourishment consisting of these healing foods will help you recuperate better and have a comfortable recovery period.

What is the bruising reason after nose surgery?

Bruising and tissue coloring under the skin, which happens after rhinoplasty, is because of blood leaks from the opened veins during surgery. While the circulating blood is transparently red, the dead blood changes color to reddish-purple due to the lack of oxygen. In this situation, the body sends some elements to the location to absorb the dead blood. When the dead blood is absorbed, it changes color to green, then to yellow.

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